Nuclear Sources & Services, Inc. is a fully permitted RCRA Part B hazardous waste TSDF and one of the only three facilities in the United States providing storage and treatment of mixed hazardous and radioactive wastes. Since 1971, NSSI has supported the government, education, pharmaceutical, power generation, oil & gas, and aerospace sectors with our Low-Level Radioactive Waste services.
NSSI accepts a wide range of sources and gauges from various manufacturers (including transuranic and Special Nuclear Material) for disposal. NSSI’s established relationship with the Texas Compact Waste Facility and the Offsite Source Recovery Project ensures competitive pricing along with the comfort and knowledge that radioactive material will be handled safely, and appropriately. Further, material is properly disposed promptly and will not remain in storage indefinitely. NSSI can also accept sources from non-Texas Compact waste generators. NSSI’s trained Field Service Engineers can facilitate the removal, packaging, and transportation of gauges and sealed sources to the NSSI facility from anywhere in the United States. Additionally, our Field Service Engineers specialize in the repair and servicing of nuclear density and nuclear level gauges employed in the Oil and Gas, Coal, Paper, and various other industries. We are licensed to perform instrument installation, relocation, and initial gauge radiation surveys.
Leak Testing
Remote Encapsulation
Type A Container Rental and Testing

NSSI is fully permitted for the management and treatment of difficult radioactive waste streams from cradle to grave. Our state of the art facility is specifically designed to manage all industrial, pharmaceutical, laboratory, and oil and gas mixed hazardous/radioactive waste streams.
Liquid Scintillation Vials
Bulk Scintillation Liquids
Rad Lab-Packs
Dry Active Waste
• Soil/Sludges
NSSI’s fully trained Field Service Engineers can be deployed to your jobsite to perform and document comprehensive facility surveys to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations and in accordance with specific requirements of your radioactive materials license. Our technical services include site and equipment characterization consistent the most recent MARSSIM/MARSAME methodology as well as developing plans and work procedures for your remediation or decommissioning projects, no matter how large or small.


Facility Area Surveys
Site / Equipment / Waste Characterization
Area Dosimetry Monitors
Employee Dose Compliance
Member of the Public Dose Compliance
Facility Area Wipe Tests
NORM Surveys & Sampling
Environmental Monitoring
Portable Air Monitoring
Soil/Water Sampling Bioassays
Radioactive Material License Applications & Amendments
Sealed Source Device Registries
Radiation Protection Program Development and Evaluation
Process Development and Review
Internal RPP Audits
Employee Dosimetry Records and Tracking
Reciprocity Requests
Decommissioning Funding Plans and Financial Assurance
Radiation Safety Training (RSO/User)
• Instrument Calibration

With over 100 years of combined subject matter expertise, our team can support your radiological safety program’s various needs. We are an industry leader in providing technical solutions and Health Physics support, by prioritizing our client’s safety and regulatory compliance.